Showing posts with label patchwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patchwork. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

Quilt is Finished, Shipped and Opened, Free Quilt Pattern

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When you are turning 7 in August and ask Grandma for a new quilt with your name on it the January before, 
you are pretty much guaranteed to get a new quilt.

how to make a quilt top tutorial

He was so excited with it and he wanted to make sure the picture for Grandma's site was from him.  Well, from him, on the shore of the Mississippi River, he's holding it, not in it?

how to make a quilt top

Finished quilt measures 62" x 66"

Cut 56 -  4 1/2" x 4 1/2" 
Cut 72 - 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" 
Cut 63 - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" 

Piece as shown in table topper  using above sizes

Quilt Pattern for you, how to make a quilt top

2 1/2" border on each side

And 4 1/2" border on each side
Quilt Pattern for you, how to make a quilt top

In my sewing room

Quilt Pattern for you, how to make a quilt top

Quilt from under my pink table

Free Quilt Pattern for you, how to make a quilt top

Quilt backing, name, date and added on the green fabric.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Watermelon Day !

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how to make a watermelon quilt block

I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mini Log Cabin Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

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I love Log Cabin Quilt Patterns and this ONE is a Little one ! 

NOW pattern ONLY at MY Etsy Shop

Each block has a finished size of 3 1/2"  
and finished quilt size of  21"X 24.5"

mini log cabin tutorial

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Quilt Ladies Free Pattern, Churn Dash Quilt Pattern Block

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HERE's a Quilt block pattern, a traditional quilt block, Churn Dash. 

Free Churn Dash Quilt Pattern Block

Cutting for one Block 6" x 6"

Cut 2 Color - 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut 2 Background - 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles

Cut 4 Color Strip - 1 1/2” x 3 1/2”
Cut 4 Background Strip -1 1/2” x 3 1/2”
Cut 1 Color - 2 1/2”x 2 1/2”
 Sew into rows and rows together

The Quilt Ladies Store Logo
I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

Monday, January 2, 2012

Free Quilt Table Topper

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I was asked by my quilt group to re-post this.

Free Table Topper Pattern for you !

quilt pattern free, how to make a table topper

I'm using a charm package, but any fabric will work.

Cut 25 - 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"

Cut 20 - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2"

free quilt tutorial for table runner

Sew into rows with 5 squares across

Cut 16 - 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"

Sew together to form the cross border
how to make a table topper tutorial

Sew all the rows together, forming the center.

Cut 2 - 14 1/2" x 4 1/2'
Sew to the top and bottom

Cut 2 - 22 1/2" x 4 1/2"
Sew to the sides
table runner tutorial 

Layer quilt together, machine quilt or hand quilt. 
Cut Binding 77 " x 2 1/2" to finish quilt off
how to quilt books
The Quilt Ladies Store

The Quilt Ladies Store
I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

I make/design all quilt block patterns on this site

Monday, December 27, 2010

Grand # 4's Baby Blanket

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 We have a new arrival on HIS way and Big Brother 
(Grand #3) is asking,
"Will he get a BB too?"
This may have more to do with sharing his  than worrying about brother......

Baby Boy Quilt in Blue, Yellow and Brown

Well, Grand #4 is getting his own, and Grandma is JUST about finished. I'm sorry but I didn't picture the process, I'm a bit on over drive.
Baby Boy Quilt in Blue, Yellow and Brown

It's a classic pattern and has great color. This quilt is really about the color of the paisley brown working with the other colors in the quilt. I love this paisley and wanted to use it.
Baby Boy Quilt in Blue, Yellow and Brown

The quilt backing is the color of the yellow - tan strips with strips pieced in from brothers new BB he received for Christmas.
Baby Boy Quilt in Blue, Yellow and Brown
Let's see if he notices.  I"m betting he does !

Sew Happy, Beth

The Quilt Ladies Store
The Quilt Ladies Store

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa Quilt for The Holidays

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This is one of the very first quilt blocks I ever drafted by myself.

Santa Quilt for The Holidays

I made it long, so that a number of people can curl up on the couch and use the same quilt. Nothing better with someone you love !

Santa Quilt for The Holidays

It's a very simple block, machine pieced and long-arm quilted.

Santa Quilt for The Holidays

This quilt is 20 plus years old, machine washed and put in the dryer every year.

Santa Quilt for The Holidays
Even back then I loved Paisley !

Sew Happy,  Beth
The Quilt Ladies Store
Little Quilt Ladies Pattern Series on Sale - HERE

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Removing a Stain from an Old Quilt

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Even when you do everything right,  this is what can happen. This is one of my old garage sale finds and one of the first quilts I get out when we have a chill in the air.
Removing a Stain from an Old Quilt
To my surprise, this is what I unfolded and found.   I think this quilt was $20 at a garage sale, the outside border was a mess and I cut that all off and put new binding on it and it's been used and washed for 10 years plus.  I store it in acid free tissue and then in a white 100% cotton pillowcase, like them all.   So, I figured I'd see if I could fix it.

Removing a Stain from an Old Quilt

I made a paste of liquid laundry detergent and non-chlorine all fabric bleach. I know some of you just gasped, but I know me and if it was there, it would drive me NUTS.  Laying it out on the kitchen counter, I wet the section, and working in my mixture, and let it set for some time. Rinsed it well and washed it on gentle and the pictures are the quilt drying on the clothes line.

Removing a Stain from an Old Quilt

The side with the stain was in the full sun for the day and as you can see, it looks wonderful.

Removing a Stain from an Old Quilt

I would say the quilt is from the 50's, machine pieced and hand quilted wonderfully, at the writing of this, I'm at the computer and it's over my lap, I have an old friend back with me.

Sew Happy, 

I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two Color Quilt - Yellows and White

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Two Color Quilt - Yellows and White

Simple and perfect, I love color and this one has turned out even better than I envisioned.

Two Color Quilt - Yellows and White

Three colors, the bold yellow, the calico flowers with yellow background and a crisp white, white.

Two Color Quilt - Yellows and White

The corners are something I've never done before, adding interest to the outside border.

Two Color Quilt - Yellows and White
 The Quilt back, This quilt is hand drafted, machine pieced and I'm adding it to the hand quilt pile, which is huge. I heard once, from a national teacher, "That's what I'll do in retirement."  My plan, I have to get a new machine and learn to machine quilt ! Or win the lottery and get my own, long arm??? WOW, I need another project........?????

Sew Happy, Beth

The Quilt Ladies Store LOGO
See The Quilt Ladies Store - HERE

Monday, November 8, 2010

Grand #3's Big Boy Quilt in Blues

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 I'm working on Grand #3 BB, that's his code for Baby Blanket.

Grand #3's Big Boy Quilt in Blues

There are 12 blocks, I machine pieced and I'm quilting with pearl cotton.

Grand #3's Big Boy Quilt in Blues 

The stitches are not small,

Grand #3's Big Boy Quilt in Blues

but not that large either.

Grand #3's Big Boy Quilt in Blues
The finished block size is 10 x 10.  See the Little Quilt Ladies Ebook "Get to the Center of It" for all patterns for this quilt and 5 more

Sew Happy, Beth

The Quilt Ladies Store
The Quilt Ladies Store - HERE

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