Mary Alice Gordon is a wife, mother and a very strong lady. She, with her husband, Samuel, 2 daughter, Hannah and Kimberly move into a new life and discover with change comes new emotions, ideas and goals.
Emily Brown, welcomes Mary Alice to the area, by introducing her to the “Ladies” Emily is very educated and the helper of the group.
Teresa Henderson with husband William, 3 children, Molly, Harry and Matthew. Making a life, raising children and opening a business takes hard work, luck
and great friends.
Helen Jones and her husband, Robert understand how to hold on to each other as life becomes too hard. And, as a basket of cut quilt squares changes everything.
Jenny Art is married and moves in the area with Pastor Art, and a son, Jeffery. Jenny becomes her own person, with the “Ladies” in the background helping.
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I'm the Author of The
Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Series