I started this blog
today September 22, 2008
What a huge ride it has been
I think the funniest thing in the process of getting the blog up and working is Google/Blogger held my site for about a week, thinking The Quilt Ladies were another kind of ladies??? That still makes me SMILE !
This is was my first post.
WOW, I'm starting the road to get the quilt ladies published. Today the project was this blog. I've been asked by friends to get this started and it (the blog) was very easy to get going.The books are at the book designer and I hope to get them back in the next month and ready for sell, ASAP after that. The next big project will be the web page.
The decision to do the book myself has been a hard one, but I have to take the leap and just jump. After selling at craft shows and doing pretty good, I hope everyone loves them as much as I do. I have jpgs, of the covers and I'll try to get them on soon??? I've been told I can do it??
I'm learning so much
I need a bit of help with any idea about letting the word out about what will soon be:http://www.thequiltladies.com not up yet, but I purchased the domain ! ! :)
If you have any ideas, please let me know, thanks, Beth
To Celebrate
Thank you all for 6 years here on this site,
I've ONLY just begun !
and Little Quilt Ladies
Quilt Patterns
make/design all the quilt blocks on this site
The Quilt Ladies on NOOK
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