There had been a sign in the yard for as long as she'd lived on the block, "For Sale", but no one seemed to want it. Stopping to take in the house as she did most days, "Why aren't you mine?"
"Why has it been on the market for so long?" Jenny questioned Carol.
"At first the price was too high, the longer it was on the market with the high price, people just stopped looking at it. It's been on the market so long, the price is down, but it now needs repairs, paint, cleaning, a lot of hard work. I think all the systems, heat, water, electric are pretty good."
"I'm going to take Jeffrey on a walk through, you two talk," Helen said.
Helen was coming through the door, "It's a beautiful home. Robert could come over and look at the furnace and things for you?"
"That would be great. Can I walk through one more time?" she took Jeffrey with Helen.
Heading up the stairs she said, "Welcome home Jeffrey, we're home."
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