Saturday, January 9, 2010

Book Nine of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection, Garden Under The Stars

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Garden Under the StarsBook Nine of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection, Garden Under The Stars
Book Nine of the Collection All Books in ONE now - HERE

With all the wedding planning going on Mary Alice decides to take steps and purchase the land.

“He’s come down in price three times Mary Alice and now you don’t even seem interested anymore. You said you wanted this property.”

“Samuel… maybe if Mr. Hinds finds it in himself to talk with me about the price, maybe then, I would think more serious about it. But until then, I am in no hurry. Truthfully, each time he talks
 with you and not me, the price will need to just keep coming down,” Mary Alice raised her eyebrows at her husband. "

"I'd like to build a small tree house in the maple on the new property," she watched his face and his expression never changed.
"The girls mentioned it days ago, at first I thought it was crazy, but thinking about it, it may be fun,"
Samuel took her in his arms. He heard her whisper, "Thank you."

The garden is shown off in this quilt of pieced stars and appliqué, My Garden Under the Stars

Book Nine of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection, Garden Under The Stars

Sew Happy and Keep your quilt lines straight Beth

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